I am pleased to present this book to give visibility and facilitate understanding of the technological style of the European Union Artificial Intelligence.
The book contributes to understanding how artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics and big data are being socially constructed in the European Union compared to China and the United States, as well as to design a new European integration story of a technological and humanist nature.
The research is approached from different perspectives, including the current discussion on automatic language translation, digital medical science, industry, the data economy, legislation, ethics and politics. An essential book to understand what Europe is, as well as to reason or imagine the history of its future in a globalized context, respecting its diversity and betting on ethics from scientific argumentation.
An Artificial Intelligence, ethical, safe and centered on the human being that supports the strength of companies and the administration, the academic world and the scientific and technological community. Likewise, to promote a Digital Single Market that has been highly favored by the decision of the European Commission to eliminate obstacles to the free circulation of non-personal data in the European Economic Area, and by promoting the computing of high performance and open science cloud.
And it all started in 1950 when Robert Schuman delivered the Declaration proposing the creation of a European Community, and in that same year, Alan Turing published his philosophical essay on self-learning machines. Schuman and Turing seem to come together on the idea of Artificial Intelligence as the main driver of growth in the European Union, which will help make the industrial sector more efficient and manufacturing relocated now in Asian countries to return home.
In today’s world, the European Union is the only major political, economic and social project under construction that is underway. A whole epic that for the peoples who suffered dictatorships during the second half of the 20th century represented the ideal of democracy, economic progress and social modernity. So much so that, for those who have a negative opinion of the European Union, only those who do not remember or do not know the past can have a negative opinion of the present.
However, the construction of the European Community was, in a way, the result of necessity. Its development was based on a story based on the values of peace, solidarity, reconciliation and the principles of democratic States. A narrative of an ethical, political, social and economic nature that, together with the free movement of people and goods in a space with a single currency, the mobility of university students, shared European citizenship and scientific and technological cooperation, seems to have been overcome in the collective imagination of Europeans.
In this sense, the design of the AI Made in Europe industrial and technological strategy, beyond considering Artificial Intelligence as a strategic technology and aspiring to configure a Trustworthy AI for Europe, constitutes a technological and humanist narrative that aims to promote European integration. A story, in short, that has to do with a way of doing things, that is, with a technological style of artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics and big data, which we call STEDA. In short, a commitment to rekindle the desire for «More Europe» united in diversity.
The author is a computer scientist, philosopher, historian of science, and Doctor in historical and social studies on science, technology and scientific communication. His blog is: